The facilities are available to keep the interaction between lecturers and students both in campus and outside of it to create an atmosphere that supporting students development both in academic and professional activities.
The learning process is conducted through face to face meetings with the scheduled class and time. Practice will take place in the laboratory which will include chief and secretary of the lab, respective lecturer and practice assistant. This will facilitate lecture-student interaction, such as:
- Job training to a company/institute, accompanied by a lecturer
- Students actively participated in various events such as a collaboration with government or private institutes in a national seminar, research result, survey, research and counseling.
- Lecturer provides a space to accompany student as a tutor in the training conducted for the students.
- Lecturers provide thesis consultancy, internship and
- Sport between lecturers, staffs and students to create a harmony every friday morning for volley ball and gymnastic and tuesday for volley ball.
The interaction did not only happen physically but will also using email and phone number to communicate things between lecturers and students.
Quality and Quantity of of academic activity, lecturers, students and another academic civitas
The academic quantity is monitored through students and lecturers attendance in every subject, practical work and final assignment, also practice assistance. Attendance is very important for final evaluation and quality assurance.
overall design to improve the academic environment to be conducive
To improve the academic quality in which focusing in science and technology, the lecturers are sent to participate in related training and management that can be implemented later to the students. Students are required to improve their knowledge by actively searching on the internet, scientific journal, textbooks and other information medias.
Lecturers and students interaction could happen through direct meeting, consultation, mentoring practice wok, final assignment and social work together. Efforts have been done to create a harmony in between lecturers and students interaction.
Participation of Civitas Academica in Academic Activity
Research and social contribution are done well with the role of research and social coordinators. The research and social work also include active students as their participants.
The quality of lecturers-students interaction are proved by paper and presentation acceptance in various local, national and international seminar. The enhancement of paper quantity are supported by the existence of magazine in Electrical Engineering Department which one is run by lecturers (Transmisi Magazine) and other by students (Transient Magazine) another one in faculty level (TEKNIK Magazine).
Enhancement of Scientific Personality
Scientific writing are requires through report from all academic activities by lecturer or students. The format of these report paper has been standardize.