The 2022/2023 KKN Team 1 withdrawal ceremony took place on February 16, 2023. For approximately 45 days, participants have carried out real work lectures. The 2022/2023 KKN participants are spread across 10 regencies in Central Java, namely Brebes, Tegal, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Batang, Boyolali, Klaten, Sukoharjo, Sragen and Wonogiri Regencies.

In accordance with the theme of this year’s KKN, namely Community Empowerment Learning KKN, students are required to create a work program that is capable of being a learning process for students as well as a vehicle for community empowerment. Such as the work program compiled by Easter Prabu Wahyu Martinus, Jenar District, Sragen Regency. He has a work program, namely counseling on digital electricity payments and computer training. Prabu said that the reason behind the computer training was that in the village where he carried out the KKN there were still many elementary school children who did not understand IT tools.

IT Device Training

Apart from that, there are expos held in every district, one of which is in Sragen Regency. The Expo in Sragen Regency, precisely in Tangen District, was held on February 12, 2023. The Expo or work title was held as an evaluation of students during the KKN period. Christian Saragih (Electrical Engineering student) said that at the Expo the work of students in each sub-district was presented and there were also booths displaying tools or products resulting from student innovation. One of the works is the innovation of an automatic plant watering system with a timer. The work by Daffa Maheswara, an electrical engineering student and Reza Poerwandita from the Mechanical Engineering department, was designed as an effort to make it easier for farmers in Sigit Village, Tangen District, Sragen Regency, Central Java.


Automatic plant waterer