The 2023 Electrical Engineering Student Conference (Musma) was held on May 4, 2023. The meeting was attended by representatives from every organization in Electrical Engineering, class of 2020, class of 2021, Komting and Wakomting of each class, as well as the class of 2022 which is the committee . Musma is carried out with the aim of formulating complementary requirements for the Chair of the Electrical Student Association which completes the requirements for the chairman of the HME in the HME Basic Organizational Guidelines (PPO).

The deliberations were guided by M3 who opened a forum to express opinions regarding the conditions that needed to be met for the head of the HME. The meeting resulted in requirements, namely:

  1. It is forbidden to drink liquor and use drugs except for religious or customary provisions.
  2. Smoking/vape is prohibited when carrying the name of the association.
  3. Minimum GPA of 3 when becoming Cakahim.
  4. Has a good track record of behavior and has no criminal/crime history.
  5. Have permission from parents.
  6. Is an active student of 2020.
  7. Previously served as HME staff and had their performance validated by kahim and related head of division.
  8. May not serve as a function or BPH.
  9. Consider not participating in long-term programs that affect his performance as a leader.
  10. Not affiliated with political parties and extra political parties in students.
  11. Ready to be in Semarang during the management (academic calendar) and when needed.
  12. Ready to accept any consequences regarding HME in the course of management.
  13. The chairman of the association did not participate in any form of gambling while in office.
  14. Must be physically and mentally healthy.

Then in the next event, namely a statement of ability, each Cakahim states his confirmation of the fulfillment of the conditions for Musma results. Of the 10 candidates, there were 2 Cakahim who met the Musma results requirements, namely Haenrite Cahyo Agrea and Dharmawan Bincha Yomi. Eight candidates who did not demonstrate their abilities were due to not meeting the requirements in point 8, namely not being able to serve as a functionary or BPH, and 1 other candidate was disqualified because they did not meet point 14.