Learning Process


The lecture process, conducted through face-to-face classes, is a routine interaction between professors and students in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Undip. Face-to-face lectures are conducted once a week according to the predetermined class schedule. If, for some reason, a face-to-face session cannot be held, it will be rescheduled at a later time agreed upon by the professor and participating students. Undergraduate lectures take place from 07:30 to 16:30. Lecture rooms are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of Building B, consisting of 8 air-conditioned classrooms equipped with LCD projectors and sound systems. For general lectures and meetings with a large number of students, rooms B305 and B306 are combined. Graduate lectures are held from 16:00 to 21:00. This schedule accommodates the fact that most Master’s students are working professionals in and around Semarang. Graduate classes take place in master’s rooms, meeting rooms, and seminar rooms. According to Academic Regulations (Perak), the final grade for a course consists of at least 3 components: the mid-semester exam grade (UTS), assignment grades, and final semester exam grade (UAS). To enhance the quality of teaching, lectures conducted by professors are monitored and evaluated during the first month of the course (before UTS) and before UAS, ensuring a minimum of 12 face-to-face meetings with students, allowing all course material to be effectively covered. The evaluation of the teaching and learning process (PBM) is conducted at the end of each lecture. Students fill out PBM evaluation questionnaires related to the courses they have taken. The results of this evaluation are used to provide feedback to the respective professors, thereby improving the quality of future teaching processes.

Laboratory Work

Laboratory work is conducted to enhance students’ understanding and competency in specific course materials. The implementation of laboratory work takes place in the laboratories of the Department of Electrical Engineering, including the Electronics and Microprocessor Laboratory, Electric Energy Conversion and Power System Laboratory, Telecommunications and Signal Processing Laboratory, Automatic Control Engineering Laboratory, Modeling and Simulation Laboratory, and Computer and Informatics Laboratory. The instructor responsible for the laboratory work ensures its proper execution. During their tasks, the laboratory instructor is assisted by several laboratory assistants. These assistants aid in conducting the laboratory work smoothly, ensuring that students (practicants) successfully complete the practical tasks. Before the laboratory work takes place, the laboratory assistants explain the procedures, while the lab staff provides all necessary equipment. Assistants also help practicants when they encounter difficulties. After completing the laboratory work, practicants prepare interim reports on the activity and later produce comprehensive final reports. The laboratory instructor evaluates and assesses the students’ performance in the laboratory work.

Field Study Program

The Field Study Program (Kuliah Kerja Lapangan or KKL) is a curricular activity conducted off-campus. It aims to acquaint students with the practical world of electrical engineering. KKL takes place over approximately 5 working days and involves visits to various government and private institutions located outside of Semarang. Some cities for KKL visits include Surabaya, Denpasar (Bali), Bogor, Bandung, and Jakarta. Following the KKL visits, there are usually trips to nearby tourist attractions.

Real Work Lecture

Real Work Lecture (Kuliah Kerja Nyata or KKN) is a course in the Electrical Engineering Program that is organized by the Institute for Research and Community Engagement (LPPM). KKN takes place in areas (villages) that require input or where a KKN program is deemed necessary. The duration of KKN is around 40 days. There are two types of KKN: regular KKN and thematic KKN. Regular KKN is conducted twice a year, during the semester break. In regular KKN, one group, consisting of around 10 students from various disciplines (study programs), is assigned to one village. Thematic KKN involves several individuals (according to the needs) with specific expertise to help address issues in a particular area (village). Thematic KKN is often part of the KKN-PPM program, a community engagement program funded by DIKTI.


Internship activities (Kerja Praktek or KP) can take place in government agencies or private companies, at companies or laboratories. KP is an educational activity that allows students to experience the real working world. During their KP, students engage in tasks or jobs typical of workers at the respective location, and their attendance is used as proof of their internship completion. During the KP, students are guided by a field supervisor who provides direction, while a KP advisor guides the content and report creation. After completing the KP, students are required to present their work (KP seminar) to other students under the guidance of their KP advisor. The final grade for the KP course is a combination of the field supervisor’s evaluation, the seminar grade, and the KP advisor’s evaluation.

Final Projects

The Final Project (Tugas Akhir or TA), also known as a thesis, is a research project undertaken by a student or a group of students under the guidance of two TA advisors. The title of the TA can be proposed by the student or suggested by the advisor. Before facing a TA examination panel related to their research outcomes, students must hold a TA result seminar in front of their peers, with both advisors present. During the TA examination, students are assessed by a panel of three examiners and are accompanied by one of their advisors. The evaluation includes the TA presentation, content, and question-and-answer session with the examiners. The outcome of the TA examination is either a pass or fail. In case of failure, students are given up to three more attempts to pass the TA examination. The final grade for the Final Project comprises the seminar grade, the grade from the first advisor, and the TA examination grade.

Faculty-Student Forum

The Faculty-Student Forum (Forum Dosen Mahasiswa or FDM) serves as a platform for discussions between faculty members (Department and program administrators) and students. Topics of discussion include teaching implementation, student services, student activities, and facilities available in the Department of Electrical Engineering. FDM is held twice a year to evaluate issues that arise during a semester. FDM activities are expected to improve and enhance activities in subsequent semesters.

Student Activities

  1. Elektro Workshop

Initially, the Elektro Workshop (EWS) was established to facilitate students of the Department of Electrical Engineering who have an interest in creating electronic equipment. Besides its use for EWS activities, Room B302 is also utilized by students for completing their final projects (TA).

  1. Undip Robotic Development Center

The Undip Robotic Development Center (URDC) is a hub for students interested in robotics. This unit is used as a space for preparing students to participate in robot-related competitions, such as KRI, KRCI, Komurindo, and more. Participants in URDC include students from Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer System Engineering. URDC activities take place in the multipurpose building (GSG) located west of Polines Semarang campus.

  1. Almuhandis

Almuhandis is both an Islamic spiritual office and the name of the student mosque located on the 1st floor of Building B. This space is often used for student activities related to the Islamic faith.

  1. Philar

Philar is an outdoor activity for nature-loving students. Philar activities often take place outside of the campus.

  1. English Club

Students who are skilled in English or wish to improve their English language proficiency can join the English Club. The main hub for this activity is located in Room A303 on the 3rd floor.

  1. Bureau of Electrical Power Utilization Study

The Bureau of Electrical Power Utilization Study (Biro Pengkajian Pemanfaatan Tenaga Listrik or BPPTL) is focused on academic activities, particularly in the field of Electrical Power Utilization. Members of BPPTL include all students of the Undip Electrical Engineering Department who have chosen the Electrical Power Utilization concentration. BPPTL activities are closely coordinated with the Electric Energy Conversion and Power System Laboratory of the Department of Electrical Engineering.

  1. Sports

Sports activities provide an opportunity to foster harmonious relationships between faculty, staff, and students. Sporting facilities available in the Department of Electrical Engineering include basketball, volleyball, futsal, and table tennis. Some students utilize their free time (between classes) on campus to engage in sports. Additionally, Friday mornings and weekday afternoons are common times for sports activities.

  1. Others

Various activities involving faculty and students include committee tasks (such as seminars, celebration events, alumni gatherings, anniversary celebrations, workshops, and collaborations), research exhibitions, collaborative surveys, research grants, and community engagement activities.