Internal Quality Management at the Study Program Level
The person in charge of the Department’s Academic Quality Assurance System is the Department’s Head. Internal quality management is carried out by each activity unit, coordinated by the GPM (Quality Control Group), which consists of 6 lecturers assigned as Chair, Secretary, and Members (Decree on the formation of GPM in attachment G3). GPM’s task is to evaluate the quality management process internally, covering 13 points, namely:
- Vision, Mission, and Educational Goals.
- Study Program Curriculum
- HR
- Student
- Learning process.
- Infrastructure
- Academic atmosphere
- Finance.
- Research and Community Service
- Tata Pamong
- Institution Management
- Information Systems
- Domestic and Foreign Cooperation.
At the Faculty level, a TPMF team (Faculty Quality Control Team) has been formed which until now has produced academic quality manuals, academic quality internal audit procedure manuals and academic standards.
Relationship with quality assurance at the institutional level.
Based on input from stakeholders, alumni, as well as the existing development situation, GPM as the Quality Assurance Executor at the Departmental level can submit a Correction Action Request (PTK) to the department. The department head prepares a Corrective Action Plan. GPM helps provide departmental quality assurance data and information to TPMF. Then TPMF submitted PTK to the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and the Dean then prepared a Corrective Action Plan.
The Head of the Study Program and the Dean provide input (findings) to the BPM (Quality Assurance Agency) of Diponegoro University, through the field of Implementation and Development of Quality Assurance. The BPM Internal Audit Division is responsible for auditing quality assurance at universities, institutions, faculties and departments.
The impact of the quality assurance process on the experience and quality of student learning outcomes.
Evaluation of quality assurance items in the Department of Electrical Engineering is used to determine the extent to which output and outcome are achieved against the department’s academic standards. The main indicator is the achievement of subject competencies and graduate competencies every year, which is linked to the achievement of the vision, mission and goals of education.
Self-evaluation of teaching and learning methods is carried out through indicators of assignment results, exam results, activeness (motivation) and practicum. Thus it can be seen increasing students’ abilities theoretically (cognition), attitude (affection) and practice (psychomotor). The impact of the quality assurance process appears in the following forms:
- Increasing the level of student discipline in academic activities.
- Increased level of motivation to learn, do assignments or discussions.
- Increasing conducive academic atmosphere.
- Open access to knowledge development, through increasing the number and quality of infrastructure facilities.
- Practical experience through involving students in research, community service from various collaborations carried out.
In general, the quality assurance process for student learning experiences has a positive influence, so that students obtain a minimum standard of learning to increase their knowledge and skills.
Quality standard methodology (Benchmarking)
In order not to be left behind with the quality expected by users, benchmarking is carried out, among others, by the following activities:
- Participate in the Inter-Departmental Electrical Engineering Communication Forum throughout Indonesia, whose activities annually hold seminars, including discussing the electrical engineering curriculum.
- Comparative studies to ITB, UGM, ITS, abroad to UTM, UTHM and the University of Malay in Malaysia.
- Workshops/workshops, which invite alumni, experts from private practitioners, government agencies, and other higher education institutions.
- Public Lecture (Stadium Generale), by inviting guest lecturers from practitioners and lecturers from other universities.
- Advanced Studies (S2/S3), teaching staff to other universities at home and abroad. Overseas in Malaysia (UTM & Perlis), Japan (Kyusu Institute of Technology) and Saudi Arabia (King Saut University)
- Graduate competency development research, curriculum planning and documented in scientific publications.
Development and Assessment of Institutional Institutions.
To anticipate technological developments and the era of information globalization, program development is carried out in the existing curriculum by improving and controlling quality. In the context of fostering and developing a quality assurance system, the department establishes internal organizational units, which assist the head of the department in developing and evaluating institutional institutions. Units are responsible for (a) the academic field which includes the education sub-sector, the research sub-sector, the service sub-sector. (b) in the area of cooperation, efforts are made to build a network of cooperation with alumni, government and private institutions, other universities that organize planning education programs, donor agencies, professional organizations, and community organizations.
In the administration sector, management quality improvements are carried out in the form of system development, scheduling mechanisms, monitoring mechanisms, information systems, improving human resource attitudes and skills, revamping plans for budget submissions, and reporting systems.
Continuous Internal Evaluation
For the assessment and development of institutional institutions, it is very clear, because the Department of Electrical Engineering has the authority to regulate the internal department itself, while the Faculty is only the coordinator. This can be seen from the existence of an organizational structure consisting of a chairperson and secretary as well as other units under them including administrative staff in carrying out the internal academic activities of the department which are under the coordination of the faculty.
Internal evaluations carried out by the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering which are carried out at the end of each semester indicate that there has been an increase in the quality of PBM in recent years, thus having a positive impact in providing an understanding of various learning systems for the Department of Electrical Engineering staff. As a concrete manifestation of the success of the continuous internal evaluation is the success in the external evaluation of BAN PT in 2003 with an A score.
Utilization of Internal and External Evaluation/Accreditation Results in Program Improvement and Development.
The results of the evaluation are used to identify which activities need to be improved, so that lecturers and administrative staff can jointly improve service quality. PBM evaluation input from the Faculty is also used as input material in improving the department. Input from the Faculty serves to spur the department to become one of the best among other departments in the Faculty of Engineering.
Cooperation and Partnership of Related Agencies in Quality Control.
Cooperation and partnerships with external parties are very important for quality control, because input from them is very important feedback for improving the quality of education in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Partnerships are carried out so that the graduates’ competencies are produced in accordance with user needs and knowledge development trends. In order to control quality, cooperation is carried out primarily through:
- Communication via the internet, either web, email or mailing lists with graduate and alumni users.
- Practical work lectures (KP), collaboration with Government and Private Agencies.
- Field Work Lectures (KKL), collaboration is carried out with educational institutions and industry.
- Co-operative or internship in industry.
- Seminars, to increase the aspirations of students and lecturers as well as for the development of knowledge.
- Community service.