To broaden the perspective and increase the knowledge about the trend of Electrical Technology 4.0 for Indonesia, a general lecture series was carried out in form of a seminar. The Electrical Department Faculty of Engineering Universitas Diponegoro together with Electric State Co. PT. PLN (Persero) had successfully held National Seminar General Lecture Series for two days on June 20-21, 2022.
There are about 100 active participants attended the event. During the occasion which is held online, there 13 experts delivered and shared their experience and knowledge with all participants. Several of the speakers were senior experts from many units of work in the Electrical State Co. PT. PLN (persero). Other experts are certified instructors from the Training Academy of Electrical State Co. PT. PLN (persero) in Semarang.
Various topics were shared such as live working experiences, recruitment and carried in an electric company, digital substation, large electrical schemes of operation, and renewable energy sources for electricity. Eng. Denis, an expert in electrical energy acted as moderator for the topics of electrical power systems, while Eng. Yuli Christyono and Eng. Enda Wista Sinuraya moderated the speakers on the topics of renewable energy and digital substation. It was acted as a master ceremony, Eng. Ajub Ajulian from telecommunication specialist.
The seminar was officially opened by the Chief of the Department, Associate Professor Aghus Sofwan, Ph.D. The chief of the Department was welcome all participants and hoped that the seminar gave a positive impact on all students, academicians, and practicians who attended the seminar. In his speech, the manager of the Training Academy – Semarang PT. PLN (persero), Eng. Helfberd Tamtubolon said that this event was a mutual collaboration among Universitas Diponegoro and PT.PLN (persero). Both, the Chief of Department and Manager of Traning Academy wished that the general lectures and seminar would become a serial and sustained event in the future.